Emma the Brave: Emma’s Story

Emma the BraveAs Autumn and I decided to say yes to Africa, we knew we had to include our kids in the process.  God is not calling only the adults to missions.  He called our family.  The culture shock alone will cause plenty of stress on the kids.  We didn’t want them to have to spiritually prepare for the mission work once they got to Africa.  So we asked them to join us in prayer and discussion about the upcoming adventure.

Emmanuel is our quiet thinker.  She thrives when things are in order.  The uncertainties of planning for a two year trip with a yet-to-be-determined move date doesn’t sit well in her orderly perspective.  Autumn and I knew she was interested in going, but we weren’t sure how she was processing the change.  She prefers to think it through rather than give hollow answers.

Last night, she came to me with a smile and asked me to read her story.  I thought it was one of the many short stories she loves to write.  Instead, she handed me a deeply thoughtful journey of faith.  This is a proud parent moment.  Below is Emmanuel’s story, written by her with no input from us.  A little girl, with strong trust in Jesus – Emma the Brave.

Why God is sending me to Tanzania Africa

By Emmanuel Stewart.

One day my family got a call from God to go to Tanzania Africa. So we (my brother and sister) have to tell people why we think God called us to Tanzania Africa. We have to speak in front of a lot of people. Sometimes we have to speak in front of children churches. Most of the time I don’t have to say anything, but other times I have to say a bible verse or two. It is kind of embarrassing, but I can handle it.  Sometimes I am embarrassed to go into a store by my self.  I have to work on being brave because there are going to be a lot of scary things in Tanzania like red ants, green slimy bugs that fly and black mamba’s.  It can be scary, but I am willing to face that when I go. God sent my family to teach other pastors to keep following Jesus even in hard times and to teach children churches because they don’t have them. And to help the people there to learn more about Jesus.

I think God called me to Tanzania to teach children to read and write and to tell people more about Jesus. And, I would be willing to teach children church classes.

“Be strong and courageous don’t be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9

Like Emmanuel, how is Jesus asking you to say yes to his mission?  Have you heard him calling, but the road ahead looks scary?  A mission of God-sized proportions wouldn’t be a true mission without huge obstacles.  God doesn’t want you to do the work on your own; he wants you to join him.  It’s not the Great Mission, but the Great Co-mission.  Partnership with him is required.  The lesson Joshua learned thousands of years ago is the lesson Emmanuel is learning along with the whole Stewart family.

Whatever Jesus asks of you, learn to say yes.  If he asks you to go, then go.  If he asks you to give, then give with cheerfulness and joy.  If he’s placed the Stewart family on your heart for monthly financial support, we would love to welcome you onto the team.  You can submit a Commitment form for monthly partnership or sign up to start giving now.  Either way will help us reach the monthly goal.  See our Partnership page for how to join the monthly team.

The goal is to always be ready and willing to say yes to Jesus.  You aren’t expected to do it alone; he invites you to do it with him.  Be blessed as you say yes.
